When it comes to athletics, there is always the question of whether to pay your players or not. You hear the media talk about, schools talk about it, even your water-cooler…
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) by David Wright Historical Development of the NCAA The first intercollegiate athletic competition was held in 1852, when Harvard and Yale competed in crew (Smith, 2011). Over…
Brian and Taylor share their thoughts on the biggest sports stories from the year as well as what will be happening with the website in 2019. Lots of changes and chances…
Naming Rights Generally: When looking at the naming rights of bowl games it is important to note that it has not always been this way. We have not always had bowl…
What can you trademark? Phrase, logo, look of item, emblem. Examples can be if you look at Usain Bolts collection of trademarks after the his olympic dominance. He owns the phrase…
This episode will discuss the basics of trademarks and how they apply in sports. It is not going to cover everything but I encourage you to ask me questions when you…
NFL Dream Season, or we thought it was Things in the NFL were going great, they had high-octane offenses in big cities, they had new rules to protect players from concussions,…
Episode 4 Season 1 5 Most Unique Contracts in Sports Rollie Fingers Contract Rollie Fingers officially makes the cut on the list of the greatest ‘staches of all time. The story…
Michael Jordan Setting the Tone The craziest statistic from the past basketball season did not happen on the court, it happened on the balance sheet. The highest-paid basketball player from the…
Episode 3 Season 1 Coaching buyouts Coaching buyouts are there to potentially protect both sides of the transactions but more often than not, it is the school having to pay the…